Media Releases
Mertopia Aqua Academy has been featured on ABC Radio, ABC Adelaide, Glam Adelaide and The Project.
To watch, listen or read these articles, please click on the direct links.
The Project
Join Mermaid Naqulaan and her pirate husband Kym for an exclusive interview with the South Australia Mermaid Pod!
ABC Adelaide Interview
Mermaid Naqulaan was interviewed by Deb Tribe from ABC Adelaide Radio about why she became a mermaid.
ABC Digital Radio
Following on from the release of the live action ‘The Little Mermaid”, Mermaid Naqulaan was interviewed by ABC Radio presenter Mikaela Simpson about all things mermaid. Listen to the interview here.
ABC Radio Article
Adelaide community who identify as ‘Mer’ swim like mermaids – read the full article:
Other Media
Glam Adelaide:
Adelaide Legit Now Has Mermaid Classes
ABC Breakfast Radio:
Mermaid Naqulaan has also been featured on ABC Breakfast Radio
ABC Adelaide Radio: